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Sample Submission Instructions

How to submit your sample to OICR Genomics

Prior to submitting your samples to OICR, please make sure to complete the Project Initiation Form. Once the project has been approved and the project code has been assigned, the user will be referred to our Tissue Portal team for sample submission.

At OICR Genomics we work with fresh frozen (FF) tissue, formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue, whole blood, blood components, cells collected using laser-capture microdissection (LCM), and nucleic acids (DNA, RNA).

Submission Procedure

For RUO Projects: users will complete the OICR Genomics Sample Submission Form and email it to tissue.portal@oicr.on.ca

For Clinical Assays: users will submit a single requisition per patient through the OICR Requisition System. Access can be requested using the OICR Requisition Access Request Form.

  • If human derived or animal samples are being submitted, the user must forward the REB approval letter for verification before samples will be accepted. This is not required for commercially-available cell lines.

Shipping Requirements

Drop off and shipment conditions are detailed in the OICR Tissue Portal’s General Shipping Guidelines and Sample Drop-off instructions. These will be provided to the user at the time of sample submission coordination.

Sample Requirements

Labelling: User must de-identify samples prior to submission to ensure that no PHI is sent to OICR. All samples must be clearly labelled with sample IDs matching those listed on the Sample Submission Form or Requisition Form. Sample IDs must be unique within the batch submitted and for validated clinical assays, two identifiers must be used.

Nucleic AcidFF TissueFFPE TissueBlood for Reference DNABlood Plasma for cfDNA Extraction
Sample Volume or Tissue AmountDNA should be suspended in 1X TE buffer to a total volume of at least 12ul.

RNA should be suspended in RNAse-free water to a total volume of at least 12ul.
Tissues pieces >5mm3 mounted in OCT and reviewed by pathologist ahead of transfer.

For clinical assays: Fresh frozen tissue block must be submitted.

For LCM Tissue: A pilot project must be complete to determine the amount of material required.
For biopsy or small tissues: 10x 10um sections cut within one month of submission, mounted on slides.

For larger tissues: 5x 10um sections cut within one month of submission.

Tissue block
Minimum of 200uL of buffy coat or whole blood.4mL of plasma is recommended.
Tumor ContentN/AFor clinical assays: ≥30% is required within marked regions of interest with ≥40% recommended.For clinical assays: ≥30% is required within marked regions of interest with ≥40% recommended.N/AN/A
Corresponding H&EN/A% Necrosis of the tumor area and % tumor cellularity of the tumor areaIf microdissection is needed: H&E section must be reviewed and marked by a pathologist to be submitted with the tissue, unless prior agreement has been made for an H&E to be cut at Tissue Portal and reviewed by pathologist.

Information required: % Necrosis of the tumor area and % tumor cellularity of the tumor area
ContainerLow-bind (low-retention) plastic tubes or plates should be used to contain the samples.

Containers must not be leaking or broken in any way.
Tubes should be used to contain the samples if not embedded.

If embedded, a
mold wrapped with aluminum foil is acceptable.

Containers must not be leaking or broken in any way.
See aboveWell-sealed cryovials or microcentrifuge tubes or any volume.

Containers must not be leaking or broken in any way.
Well-sealed cryovials, conicals or microcentrifuge tubes or any volume.

Containers must not be leaking or broken in any way.
Based on TM-023 Sample Submission Instructions – Version 5.1