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Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop: Bridging Pathology and Genomics: A Practical Workshop on NGS for Pathologists and Pathology Researchers

Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop: Bridging Pathology and Genomics: A Practical Workshop on NGS for Pathologists and Pathology Researchers

Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop: RNA-seq analysis

Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop: RNA-seq analysis

Early Changes in Tumor-Naive Cell-Free Methylomes and Fragmentomes Predict Outcomes in Pembrolizumab-Treated Solid Tumors

Early Changes in Tumor-Naive Cell-Free Methylomes and Fragmentomes Predict Outcomes in Pembrolizumab-Treated Solid Tumors

A Phase II, Open-Label, Randomized Trial of Durvalumab With Olaparib or Cediranib in Patients With Mismatch Repair—Proficient Colorectal or Pancreatic Cancer

A Phase II, Open-Label, Randomized Trial of Durvalumab With Olaparib or Cediranib in Patients With Mismatch Repair—Proficient Colorectal or Pancreatic Cancer

Identifying Mechanisms of Resistance by Circulating Tumor DNA in EVOLVE, a Phase II Trial of Cediranib Plus Olaparib for Ovarian Cancer at Time of PARP Inhibitor Progression

Identifying Mechanisms of Resistance by Circulating Tumor DNA in EVOLVE, a Phase II Trial of Cediranib Plus Olaparib for Ovarian Cancer at Time of PARP Inhibitor Progression

Transcriptomic changes in liver transplant recipients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis indicate dysregulation of wound healing

Transcriptomic changes in liver transplant recipients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis indicate dysregulation of wound healing

RBFOX2 Modulates a Metastatic Signature of Alternative Splicing in Pancreatic Cancer

RBFOX2 Modulates a Metastatic Signature of Alternative Splicing in Pancreatic Cancer

A polygenic two-hit hypothesis for prostate cancer

A polygenic two-hit hypothesis for prostate cancer

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak on an in-patient medical unit associated with unrecognized exposures in common areas—Epidemiological and whole-genome sequencing investigation

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak on an in-patient medical unit associated with unrecognized exposures in common areas—Epidemiological and whole-genome sequencing investigation

Molecular characterisation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with NTRK fusions and review of the literature

Molecular characterisation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with NTRK fusions and review of the literature