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Work with Us

Project Initiation Process This calculator can be used to generate draft estimates to plan your project or to initiate Research Use Only (RUO) and Clinical project with OICR Genomics. Clinical reports are provided for Clinical projects only. Once you are satisfied with a draft estimate, submit your completed form and our team will contact you […]


RUO Project Initiation

Project Initiation Forms for Research Use Only Projects


Clinical Project Initiation

Project Initiation Forms for Clinical


Project Initiation: Assay Glossary

Assay Glossary A list of available Clinical and Research Use Only (RUO) Assays and their descriptions available via our Project Initiation Form. Each assay involves the creation and analysis of whole genome libraries. Whole Genome and Transcriptome Sequencing (WGTS) This assay includes whole genome and whole transcriptome sequencing of a single tumour sample plus whole […]



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Bioinformatics : Data Release

Data Release Data release includes transfer of the raw sequence data (fastq format) as it becomes available once sequencing has completed, and the release of analysis files that will vary depending on the services that had been selected. We generally transfer data through a variety of routes: for investigators at OICR or who have access […]


Bioinformatics : Analysis Procedures

In addition to our automated analysis pipelines, the GSI analysis team can also process data through a variety of well-defined analysis procedures. This generally involves an analysis working directly with the project owner to collect the necessary information, then running the tools directly on our high-performance cluster to generate the analysis deliverables. Differential Expression Our […]


BioInformatics : Analysis Pipelines

Analysis Pipeline Details Illumina fastq generation Generation of fastq files from Illumina run folders. This is run on all samples from illumina run folders generated through the Translational Genomics Laboratory, and data return is included as part of the sequencing costs. Analysis : Basecalling and Demultiplexing using Illumina bcl2fastq software. Workflows : bcl2fastq Deliverables : […]
