Data Release

Data release includes transfer of the raw sequence data (fastq format) as it becomes available once sequencing has completed, and the release of analysis files that will vary depending on the services that had been selected. We generally transfer data through a variety of routes:

  • for investigators at OICR or who have access to the OICR filesystem, files can be copied out directly to your space. We will need to work with IT to ensure that we have the appropriate permissions
  • for investigators at UHN and who use the UHN filesystem, we can transfer files across an high speed connection (ociwire), coordinating with the personel on the UHN side too place it in the appropriate location.
  • our sftp-site . Prior to release of any data we will need to have an account setup to enable access
  • our transfer service. For smaller amounts of data, we can bundle up the data and make available through this web service
  • hard drives : these must be provided by the project owners. Drives or data must be encrypted.


A variety of data types can be uploaded into a cbioportal hosted by UHN. This includes somatic mutations and copy number changes, and expression calls, which can then be reviewed through this interactive application. Contact us for more information

European Genome-Phenome Archive

Sequence data and variance called can be deposited into a study registered with the European Genome-Phenome Archive. This is a controlled access archive governed by a Data Access committee, generally associated with the project owners research institute. GSI can assist in setting up accounts, registering a data access committee, registering studies, uploading the data and associated metadata, and generating and releasing datasets. Contact us for more information.